...is a comprehensive leadership training and mentoring program that teaches children to:
  • Appreciate their individual gifts and abilities
  • Identify their core values
  • Develop the communication skills needed to work as a team
  • Find their own passion to respond to community needs with inventive solutions
  • Cooperatively create and deliver a project that benefits the community
Copyright 2010 Passion2Build
Practicing the art of Improvisation is the foundation of our teaching curriculum.  Through Improv the kids:
  •   have fun
  •   learn to work together
  •   practice self expression and gain self confidence
  •   learn to give and receive feedback
  •   become coaches for each other
  •   develop agility in the art of leading and following
  •   recognize and gain respect for each other's gifts

Improv is our laboratory for practice and gives us language and concrete experience to bring to real life situations.  The children become articulate about their gifts and goals, and as they envision and carryout their project, they are already experienced collaborators and build on a foundation of trusting, respectful relationships.
Rebecca Dietz
443 326-3816

Yung Trinh
410 336-4218

Is rooted in the premise that every child is a leader, and given the opportunity to exercise their skills and talents to address real life challenges, they will find their passion and places in the world.  The program includes mentoring, coaching and practice through year long projects, knowing that the skills we exercise are the ones that become part of us.